AccuGrit on the path to the Carbon Charter

AccuGrit has been accepted and is on the path to gaining The Carbon Charter showing our commitment to environmental sustainability on a day when Britain has gone coal free and renewable’s edge out fossil fuels. The Carbon Charter provides support and recognition to small and medium sized businesses that commit to and adopt carbon reduction […]
Our Green Initiatives

At our two office and depot locations in the South East and Central UK we are doing our little bit for the environment. Solar and Wind Power are providing our energy supply. Across all areas of our business we consider the environment from daily route optimisation in the winter months and now enhancing video conferencing […]
The Specialist Delivering Essential Services

Accugrit is a dedicated gritting provider operating throughout the UK. Accugrit was created to provide a superior service to multi-discipline grounds maintenance companies. Being focused solely on winter maintenance and gritting services, rather than multiple areas of ground maintenance, enables us to focus on innovations and developments in the industry to deliver a higher quality service that is more effective, efficient and environmentally […]
May Newsletter

Covid-19 and winter maintenance Why you should plan for winter now For some businesses, deciding whether they were “essential” or “non-essential” at the start of the lockdown was straightforward, while for other there was some confusion and discussion about whether their work should continue or not. For those of us in the gritting industry, […]
The Winter Specialists

Don’t cast a clout ‘til May is out….fresh snow in the Cairngorms yesterday. Huge swing in temperatures as the cold front moved south across the UK. As The Winter Services Specialist we keep a close eye on the weather 24/7 to protect our sites from any risk in the Winter Months. Get in touch to […]
Gritting and Snow Clearing, an Essential Service?

When the coronavirus lockdown was first announced, there was widespread confusion about what who should or should not continue going to work. Did gritting and winter maintenance fall within the “essential services” category? With frosty nights forecast, my team at Accugrit needed answers fast. After a generally mild and wet winter, the night before the […]
Winter 19/20 Data Shows Another Above Average Season.

With the Winter now behind us and data now available from the Met Office and our friends at Weatherquest it shows the winter overall was unseasonably mild. Anything blue is nearer or below average and shades of white or red above average, as you can see the core Winter months of January and February even […]
Countdown to Winter 20/21 begins

Our industry has been classed as an “Essential Service” and we will continue to develop our business over the next 164 days until season starts once again. Get in touch to see how we can save your business money during Winter 20/21 and improve service levels at the same time. With an uncertain economic future […]
Would you like to save up to 30% on your winter maintenance for next year?

AccuGrit is one of the very few dedicated gritting providers operating in the UK and was created to provide a superior service to that offered by the multi-discipline grounds maintenance companies. Our Senior Management team have over 30 years of industry experience and are delivering real innovation to the sector. Until mid-April we are allowing […]
New Services on the Way

As we navigate through these difficult times during the Covid-19 pandemic and we come out of the current Winter Season, AccuGrit as one of the last remaining Winter Specialists in the UK are developing new services in readiness for Winter 20/21. If you want to find out how we can assist your business through the […]